The Perfect Fried Pork Belly



Pork Belly, for most Asians, is the most tender and delicious part of the pig. When cooked right, it becomes some sort of “melts in your mouth meat-chocolate with crispy goodness” that will surely stimulate your senses. There are various techniques on how to achieve this state of “Pork Haven” but only a few actually work. In Asian countries, most households do not have ovens. We solely rely on stove-tops for our cooking needs and this might alienate our Western friends.

Western techniques taught us that to achieve “Pork Haven” status, we need to brown the meat, crisp the skin then shove it in the oven. Most Asians do otherwise.

For me, the most effective way of cooking pork belly is by way of “Deep Frying/Frying”. It might sound simple but as always there will be a certain difficulty towards the end. Let us begin:  Continue reading

An Alcoholic’s Secret


People differ. Some are strong and some are weak. This deviation cannot be avoided, but as humans, we are known to compensate. A man without legs? No problem, let’s give him prosthetic legs. Someone with a flu? Let’s give him medicine! These are all truths that we, as a species, can and will continue to do until the end of our lives.

Along these lines, history has taught us that drinking has been part of humanity since ancient times. Some even say that alcoholic beverages was one of the driving factors that created society itself. Well, I couldn’t agree more! Let’s say 80% of the major population drinks alcoholic beverages in a regular basis. That’s around a billion metric tons of alcohol being consumed (this is a rough estimate, forgive me for I hate math, but I do love exaggerating). That’s a lot of drunk of people, don’t you agree? Continue reading