An Alcoholic’s Secret


People differ. Some are strong and some are weak. This deviation cannot be avoided, but as humans, we are known to compensate. A man without legs? No problem, let’s give him prosthetic legs. Someone with a flu? Let’s give him medicine! These are all truths that we, as a species, can and will continue to do until the end of our lives.

Along these lines, history has taught us that drinking has been part of humanity since ancient times. Some even say that alcoholic beverages was one of the driving factors that created society itself. Well, I couldn’t agree more! Let’s say 80% of the major population drinks alcoholic beverages in a regular basis. That’s around a billion metric tons of alcohol being consumed (this is a rough estimate, forgive me for I hate math, but I do love exaggerating). That’s a lot of drunk of people, don’t you agree?

Drinking events are where friendships are forged (some are broken!) and will is tested. Being able to last a drinking event is a sign of power irregardless of gender. This includes not getting pregnant or not getting someone pregnant, well let’s leave that for another day. People usually wonder the secret to “Power Drinking”. I will teach you that today in a few very simple steps.

Just follow the following:

  • Start with 1 bottle or glass of your favorite booze.
  • After finishing the bottle/glass, shock your body by drinking 2 glasses of water. Down this as fast as you can.
  • Drink 1-2 bottles or glasses again
  • Down 1 more glass of water. Down this as fast as you can
  • Enjoy your immortality. It’s drink-all-you-can now!

I’ve been doing this for years and it hasn’t failed me. I analyzed this and it seems that by shocking your body with glasses of water, the alcoholic levels dissipate and it’s effects are lowered. However, after doing this twice or thrice, your body remembers the act and this becomes a placebo effect so you won’t need to drink water anymore for the whole duration of the event.

I hope this will help future Boozers from hurting themselves and help in winning people’s awe in the future.

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